Case Study:

Friends of Hawai‘i
Robotics Website

Paying homage to a non-profit that shaped my highschool education.


This student project was to deliver a multi-page website design for a client of my selection. I chose to revisit a program I was involved in during all four years of my high school career. Friends of Hawaii Robotics (FOHR) is a non-profit organization that supports K-12 robotics education. It works as a network of mentors, teachers, volunteers, corporate partners, and advisors committed to making robotics education accessible to students across the state. They equip thousands of students with experience valuable to their STEM careers and essential 21st-century life skills.

View Prototype


  • UI / UX Design
  • Branding


  • Adobe XD
  • Illustrator

Conceptual Planning

Organizing the website's information for a wide variety of users was my biggest challenge. The target audience groups were industry professionals and educators interested in robotics. The current site called for a content-audit and re-prioritization. The site's content was scattered throughout in subpages hidden in the navigation, making it unkind to users unfamiliar with FOHR.

For my preliminary wireframes, I designed three homepages that prioritized "How to Get Involved" and FOHR's mission. I chose WireFrame C because it most clearly communicated FOHR impact on the hero and directed users the ways they can participate with FOHR. Then, I chose chose StyleTile #3 of 3 total StyleTiles. The typographic selection felt academic, student-centered, and inviting. The color palette lent an ample range of contrast through color temperature, tints, and shades.

Old SiteMap vs. New SiteMap

LoFi Homepage Wireframes

Style Tile 3# was chosen out of 3 Style Tiles

HiFi Prototype

Scroll Inside

Final Notes

Creating the rest of the site's subpages felt like bringing the spirit of a robotics competition to life. The sense of community and excitement I used to feel in highschool shone through the site's colors, typography, and photography. As an alumnus of robotics education, it was fulfilling to be able to communicate and represent FOHR in a positive way. The experience made me reflect on my abilities as a designer to give people the means to communicate to the world. The thought that my work can pay goodwill forwards gives me a sense of responsibility to keep using my skills for good.

A photo from 2014 when my team was congradulated for
                    winning Hawai‘i Regional.

A photo from 2014 when my team was congradulated for winning Hawai‘i Regional.

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