USPS Gemstone Stamps

A series of postal stamps showing off dazzling gemstones.


This series of USPS Stamps was designed for a group project. My group members and I worked together to decide a visual concept, illustrate, and then design the stamps together. We chose a shared interest as our concept: gemstones.


  • Print Design
  • Typesetting
  • Illustration


  • InDesign
  • Photoshop

The Process

Utilizing the group's strengths

Group Collaboration

I was fortunate to have two very skilled illustrators in my group, Mony Brousseau and Venice Bagolor. We used watercolor to illustrate the gemstones because of the ability to fuse color with ease. I also tried my hand at watercolor (peep the two tiger's eye stones), but we chose to go forward with the amethyst, bismuth, and turquoise stones. We felt they gave the stamp series a diversity of shapes, colors, and patterns.

Paintings of preliminary gems not chosen for the final product.


Digital Enhancements

The bismuth stone needed lots of special attention in the digital phase of the process. This involved brushing up some lines, bumping up the contrast, and then inserting our images into InDesign. The fonts I selected are Brandon Grotesque and Whitman which make a polite duo.

Bismuth's Before & After digital enhancements.
Turquoise stamp


Amethyst Stamp


Bismuth Stamp


Room for More?

Here are more projects for you to check out.